April 2015

The Plan

When we talk with people about the trip, often their first question is, “Wow, where are going to go?” Followed quickly by, “Are you going to hit all fifty states?” We’d love to share with you the sketch-of-a-plan we have for your reading pleasure.

First: We are going to travel in a counterclockwise loop from Arizona > New Mexico > Texas > Louisiana, and on from there. Our trip will then take us north along the eastern states to Prince Edward Island in Canada, back across the US (following the perimeter) from Wisconsin > Washington > California, and home. This will take us roughly 15 weeks.

Second: As you may have interpreted from the above explanation, no, we will not be hitting all fifty states. A) because Hawaii and Alaska are pretty tough to tackle, and B) we are focusing on the diverse continental US loop, hitting as many unique and wonderful places as we can with the time that we have.

We have friends that have asked to come along for pieces of the journey. We’re calling these friends “hop ons.” We’re stoked to shares portions of our trip with them. We also have friends (sometimes friends of friends) who have graciously left open invitations for us to stop by their homes as we pass through their city for a nice place to sleep and/or a yummy meal or two. We cannot express how grateful we are for the sincere kindnesses that have already been shown to us.

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30 Days To Go

People like looking forward to things. It breaks up the monotony of the daily grind, and gives one something to daydream about and prepare for.  Part of the looking-forward-to-things game is the counting-down-to-that-thing. Whether it’s paper chains, calendars, or online app countdowns that you use, one way or another, that special thing will arrive. Believe us, we know when you say it feel like it will never get here.

It seems most of the time when there’s a grand thing ahead, feelings of anxious anticipation or sheer excitement aren’t far behind. Whichever emotion you tend to feel, there’s one thing that’s certain: change is in the air. But that doesn’t mean doom is in the air. Change is necessary and helps us become better than we were before.

For C and I, today marks 30 days until we hit the open road. Whether we are ready or not, our grand, awesome, super, soul-searching trip of our lives is only 30 days away. The Summer of 2015 is looming, and we can’t wait.

We’re probably 70% ready. We need sleeping sheets (made out of bed sheets so we don’t melt and die in our cozy, warm sleeping bags), car curtains for nighttime, storage bins, and food. Everyday we think about the trip. Everyday we check off mental to-do lists, and everyday we try to reassure ourselves that everything will be okay. But do you know? It really will be. We’ve decided to take a chance. We are confident that as we look ahead with excitement and faith, no matter what happens out there, we will be okay.

What’s ahead for you? What are you looking to? Tell us what countdown you have going these days.

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